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Where is CervoMed headquartered?
20 Park Plaza, Suite 424 Boston, MA 02116 USA
Where is CervoMed incorporated?
CervoMed is incorporated in Delaware.
When was CervoMed founded?
CervoMed was founded in 2023.
Which stock exchange are CervoMed shares traded on and what is the company’s ticker?
CervoMed’s shares are traded on the Nasdaq Global Market under the symbol “CRVO”.
When did CervoMed’s merger close?
CervoMed completed the merger between EIP Pharma, Inc. and Diffusion Pharmaceuticals and began trading in August 2023.
When does CervoMed’s fiscal year end?
CervoMed’s fiscal year ends on December 31.
Who is CervoMed’s independent registered public accounting firm?
CervoMed’s independent registered public accounting firm is RSM US, LLP
Who is CervoMed’s legal counsel?
CervoMed’s legal counsel is Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
What is CervoMed’s CUSIP number?
How can I purchase CervoMed shares?
Shares of CervoMed’s stock can be purchased by contacting a securities broker of your choice.
Does CervoMed pay dividends and have a dividend reinvestment program?
CervoMed does not currently pay dividends or offer a stock reinvestment plan.
Who is CervoMed’s transfer agent?
Computershare Trust Company, N.A.
P.O. Box 43014
Providence, RI 02940
1-800-962-4284 (from the US, Canada, Puerto Rico)
1-781-575-3120 (non-US)
Whom do I contact with questions about my stock (transfer stock, change the address on my shareholder account, or replace a lost stock certificate)?
For questions about your stock please contact our transfer agent, Computershare Trust Company, N.A.
How can I view documents CervoMed has filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), including Forms 10-K and 10-Q?

Quarterly & Annual reports and other investor materials are available in the “Investors” section of CervoMed’s corporate website. Additionally, all SEC filings can also be accessed directly from the SEC at

How can I sign up to receive CervoMed press releases and other company information?
Please click here to be directed to the email alerts page.
Whom should I contact if I am a member of the media?
For media inquiries, please send an email to
Whom should I contact if I have additional questions?
For investor inquiries, please send an email to
If I was a stockholder of CervoMed when it traded under the name “Diffusion Therapeutics”, before the reverse merger closed in August 2023, what happened to my stock?
Your shares of CervoMed remained outstanding, and trade under the ticker symbol “CRVO” rather than “DFFN”. If you have questions, please contact your securities broker.
Why are past medical publications and clinical trials under the name EIP Pharma, Inc.?
EIP Pharma, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of CervoMed, Inc. and these publications and clinical trials originated prior to the close of CervoMed’s merger.